Mission & Vision

Our Mission

It is worthy to note that the end will not come until this Gospel of the Kingdom is preached in every nation of the world and to every people as a witness unto all nations so that no one will have an excuse in that day, (Matthew 24:14). Our mission therefore is to help make this happen. As a missionary myself, I have sacrificed everything in life, having been led to hell fire by the Lord Jesus Christ to see the agony and the suffering of those people who refused to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior in their life time, and having been conducted around heaven by the Lord Himself to see the glory and the joy of it. I determine not to know any thing among you, except Jesus Christ and Him crucified(1 Corinthians 2:2). To this end, we are here to help train and send as many as are willing to sign up to become Ambassadors of Jesus Christ for global mission. Please join the "Send Me Ministry", for information on how to do so please click here ---> mexcel123@gmail.com to contact us.

Our Vision

To enhance the spirit of excellence in the administration of the local Church, and in the ministration of various office/gift within the Body. To give more encouragement and support to those in the mission field and to ensure that those won into the Body do not fall back and perish due to lack and absent of encouragement and support.  

Our Goal

To ensure that every person within the church/ministry community receives some kind of training. Here, Voice of Freedom School of Ministry is open to everyone free of charge. It is a wonderful place to be. With our contact, one is free to enroll and receive free teachings.  

Our Focus

To develop "a Total Person", that is: body, spirit and soul. Transforming what is called "Foolish Things", to confound the Wise; Weak Things, to confound the Mighty; Based Things, and Things that are despised to confound the Highly placed; Things that are not, to bring to nought things that are, so that no flesh should glory in His sight, (1 Corinthians 1:26-29).

           © Voice of freedom international ministries 2024